Wednesday, December 3, 2014

He is the Gift

As it is probably already very well known, I am terrible at blogging. I feel like if I don't have something interesting to post, I might as well post nothing at all! I'm pretty sure no one is interested in hearing about when I have exams and turn in papers - and that's pretty much all that happens over here. Michael is still working at Cradlepoint - I could tell you about when they have parties, but, let's be honest - he has them so often that those aren't even out of the ordinary anymore! It's the constant joke around here how little actual 'work' probably gets done with all the parties they have over there.

My point is that I've had this blog for probably 4 months now and I've really struggled with what I thought my first post should be about. We had a couple family get-togethers that I thought to post about but I think it's mostly family that reads these anyway, so they'd be reading about things they were present for! Anyway, this isn't to cast a negative view on our life - we are incredibly happy - we are just such home-bodies that we never get out, and so I'd just be documenting our everyday life, and I'm not sure how exciting that would be for other people to hear about. However, it is my new years resolution for 2015 to be a better and more active blogger!

With all that being said, this is my first post and I did find something I felt was more than worthy of kicking things off for us. I received this video in my email, and after watching I instantly knew I wanted to share it. I don't have Facebook to share it to, but I do have this blog. Sometimes amidst all the deals and the decorations and presents it's easy to get caught up in the more worldly aspects of Christmas. I am no stranger to this. It is truly an exciting time of year. But there's something else there - there's something deeper about Christmas that makes it my favorite time of year. There is a feeling during this time of year that is unique and indescribable - the spirit of Christmas - the spirit of Christ. I feel it every year, and it has nothing to do with gifts or goodies. The Grinch knew it too:

And of course our dear Prophet, whose words sum it up best:

Truly, the reason for the season is CHRIST.

I hope these words, from men much wiser than me, will inspire you to remember Christ this Christmas season and throughout the upcoming year. I know they inspired me! May the spirit of Christ be present in each of your homes and hearts this season, and bless you all year long!
 Merry Christmas!

With Love,
Michael & Corinn